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To the best of my knowledge, they don't. Magnetic Resonance machines have traditionally used more or less "off the shelf" CPUs; Varian VXRs used to use Motorola 68000s, and ChemMagnetics had an instrument built around a MIPS chip. Neither of these were particularly "special" - the M68k was the same chip used in early Macintosh computers, and the MIPS was the heart of the old SGI workstations.

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Q: Why do MRI scanners require a special CPU?
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No, MRI scanners can 'see through' hair

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Do MRI scanners have any adverse effects?

MRI scanners have practically no adverse effects. MRI or magnetic resonance imaging works by noting difference of various images created by varying response of different body tissues.

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mri scanners, x-rays, finger-print scanners, ect.

What are the applications of 2D and 3D scanners?

There are a number of applications that require the use of of 2D and 3D scanner. These include CT scans, MRI scans, and simply for printing out 3D models for experiments.

Where can you go to school to learn to operate an MRI scanner?

MRI scanners are easy to operate. However if you want to go to school to learn more details about scanners you can join a vocational school that lets you know information like that.

Why do MRI scanners use helium?

Liquid helium is used to cool the superconducting electromagnets.

What are 2 jobs that use magnets?

MRI Scanners that are used in the hospital i guess a medical technician

Why liquid helium is used in body scanners?

The "body scanners" that use it are Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI, machines. (The scanners at airports are akin to radar sets, and don't use liquid helium.) MRI machines contain a very large electromagnet. To keep the thing from requiring its own power plant, an MRI magnet is wound with superconducting wire - wire with, effectively, no resistance. Superconducting wire must be kept at the temperature of liquid helium if you want it to superconduct.

In which jobs do you need a knowledge of magnetism?

Health care professionals who operate MRI scanners. Also some paedophiles.

What is the main purpose of helium?

helium is used to cool superconducting magnets in mri scanners as helium is lighter then air airships use them as gasses

Nuclei excited by an rf pulse?

Yes, a magnetic resonance imaging scanner uses an RF pulse to excite nuclei in the body. Practically all medical MRI scanners are tuned to excite hydrogen nuclei. Other MRI scanners used in physics and chemistry labs are tuned to excite other nuclei -- see the links for a detailed list.