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According to The Bible, the question of fighting and wars crosses over into the "spirit realm"... a realm of "invisible attitudes" that charge human hearts with both hatred and passion. Men can't see it; yet they react to it -- sometimes violently:

"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against evil rulers and authorities of THE UNSEEN WORLD, against those mighty POWERS OF DARKNESS who RULE THIS WORLD, and against WICKED SPIRITS in the heavenly realms." (Eph.6:12 NLTNew Living Translation)

The Truth of God's Word, the Bible, reveals these "spiritual forces" that "rule this world". But man's five physical senses don't naturally detect it... can't see it... so, he is slow to "believe" in it, and is quick to react, physically, to the influences of it, anyway.

This powerful spiritual influence in the world that so easily manipulates the minds and hearts of men is Satan the Devil and his demons... which the Bible, again, reveals to any who will "believe" it... but, which also the vast majority of mankind doesn't.

It is this invisible influence in the world that has designed the "religions" of the world in men's hearts and minds -- FALSE religions. Religions that seem "peaceful" on the surface, but which become quite volatile in the hands, and in the shallow carnal-minds and deceived hearts of emotionally charged men.

The Bible reveals the four main ingredients to "daily life" here on planet earth, that mankind has come to accept as the "normal way of living." These four things are symbolically characterized in the Bible as "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" [in the book of Revelation - chapter 6]. Jesus Christ reveals them in a chronological order; of which the first one; FALSE RELIGION, is the first cause and originator of the second: WAR!

Quickly following on the heels of war is 3) FAMINES, and 4) PESTILENCES and DISEASES.

World history teaches us that RELIGION is one of, if not the most prolific CAUSE of wars throughout the generations of man. The "beliefs" of one group of men coming against the "beliefs" of another... or many others... armed, physically and materially.

Yet, "all men want peace" in the world. The problem is; everyone has a different idea what "peace" entails... and everyone wants peace THEIR WAY!

The "spirit realm" takes advantage of these "easily deceived men," and ramps up their emotions; their jealousies, lusts and hatreds. They play mankind [like a fiddle, as one saying goes]... and men shed the blood of other men. Men whom the Bible reveals is "created in God's image." The spirit realm works constantly to pervert and destroy whatever God has made.

The Bible tells us that the first two people God made "chose another god to worship and obey" in the Garden of Eden account. And in that exchange... the earth, which God gave to the man, CHANGED OWNERSHIP. And the new owner; the Dragon; that old Serpent called the Devil, and Satan [Rev.12:9] became the world's first SLAVE-OWNER... and the master of mankind.

The world and everything in it was his for the taking... and for the giving:

"...the Devil took Him [Jesus] up and revealed to Him ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD in a moment of time. The Devil told Him, 'I will give you the glory of these kingdoms [all of man's governments] and authority over them - because THEY ARE MINE to give to anyone I please." (Luke 4:5-6 NLT)

RELIGIONS motivate the governments of this world to go to WAR. Look at the PRESENT WORLD WAR in which this generation of men is NOW ENGAGED! The perversion of a PEACEFUL RELIGION has invaded every nation in a terrified world. And men have to protect themselves FROM the DEATH that it portends.

The "spirit realm" that has brought this travesty to fruition in the hearts of deceived men is LAUGHING, JOYFULLY! The blinded and deceived hearts of men can't hear it... but then, his easily-deceived five senses are primarily reactionary. And the Bible tells us that just before Jesus returns... this "spiritual influence" in the world will cause the religiously-deceived governments of man to FIGHT CHRIST, Himself, when He does.

"...I saw three evil spirits [that rules this earth, and man] that looked like frogs leap from the mouth of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet [Satan and the "two men" to whom he gives his political and religious authority at the time of the end - see Rev.13]. These miracle-working demons caused ALL THE RULERS OF THE WORLD to gather FOR BATTLE [war] against the LORD on that Great Judgment Day of God Almighty... And they gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place called Armageddon in Hebrew." (Rev.16:13-16 NLT)

That's why there are world wars. That's why there are minor wars and petty skirmishes. And that's why "Christians" and "Muslims" fight. It's because the world is deceived by "the spirit realm that rules this world... and to which mankind has sold himself and has lived in slavery."

Modern Christianity, Islam... and all the other hundreds of religions in the world are FALSE. Even Jesus warns His servants about False Christianity:

"...'Don't let anyone mislead you. For many will come in My Name, saying, ''I am the Messiah.'' THEY WILL LEAD MANY ASTRAY.'" (Matt. 24:4-5 NLT)

The world's false religions of modern "Christianity" and "Islam" [and any other religion in the world you care to name] fight against each other, because this world is in subjection to Satan and his demons, who were, long ago, cast down to earth to await their trial on the Last Great Day of God's plan; Judgment Day [Jude 1:6] for their attempt to overthrow God's Government in the beginning.

Jesus is coming back to remove these "spirit beings" from influencing man... to change and save mankind... and to re-create new heavens and a new earth [a study unto itself], where:

"...furthermore, the future world we are talking about will NOT BE CONTROLLED BY ANGELS." (Heb.2:5 NLT)

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They fight for many reasons where religious reasons are not among them. They fight for political, economical, and/or social reasons. However, they never fight, as sometimes claimed, due to religious reasons.

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