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That is because planets don't move in a straight line. Thus, there velocity changes; and changing the velocity requires a force.

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Q: Why do Newton's laws show a force must be acting on the planets?
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Nothing gives an object inertia. Inertia is not a force. It is just the tendency of an object to continue in its motion if there is no force acting upon it.

Which of newton's laws of motion states that a unbalanced force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object times its acceleration?

Newtons second law of motion

Why do we use Newtons?

Newtons is a unit of measuring force and is not to be confused with measuring mass. Another unit of measuring force is pounds. Newtons are often used as they are the SI unit of force.

What puts things in motion?

The Newtons laws put things in motion.

What is the effect when the object applied in force?

the effect is that there is a equal and oppsite force. one of newtons laws

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Simplified: The coefficient of dynamic (moving) friction, is derived from: > coefficient = force resisting motion (newtons) / force of object on surface (newtons)

Why is Newtons the measurement of force called Newtons?

It is named for Sir Isaac Newton who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation.

What kind of force there is in orbiting planets?

The planet moves forward in its orbit while being pulled sideways by gravity acting between it and the Sun. Isaac Newton showed that each planets obeys the laws of motion and must follow an elliptical orbit that obeys Kepler's laws when the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of distance.

What do newtons laws of motion and gravity explain?

Newton's second law can be used to describe what we commonly know as weight. Weight is technically the force of gravity acting on our mass. Our weight, in Newtons, is equal to our mass times the acceleration due to gravity acting upon us on Earth's surface.

How do amorphous solids move?

not unless an outside force is acted upon it. newtons laws.

Why do we measure forces in neutons?

Force is measured in Newtons out of respect for the incredible work his laws represent.