

Why do Russian have white melanin?

Updated: 11/20/2022
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Q: Why do Russian have white melanin?
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What is the role of melanin in the hair?

The role of the melanin in the hair makes it grow white as it reduces in number. Melanin gives hair it's colour.

What made white people skin white?

Less melanin or pigment.

What makes a white person white?

Our skin, as well as hair, contains a pigment called melanin. The amount of melanin controls the colour. The less the melanin, the lighter the colour of the skin. Similarly, blue eyes have less melanin and brown eyes have more. The same is with hair. The amount is also affected by our parent's genes.

What hair color is not produced by melanin?

White, albino for ex.

What is the reason behind white hair?

Loss of melanin as you age.

Which ingredient changes a Black Russian' to a 'White Russian'?

A black Russian is changed to a white Russian with the addition of cream.

The pigment melanin and contribute to skin color?

melanin is mainly responsible for the color of skin number of melanin decide the color more the number more darker skin it protect from the sun rays and other foreign substance in white skin less melanin is there

What is the color white in Russian?

The color white in Russian is "белый" (pronounced as "bely").

What ingredint changes a black Russian to a white Russian?

The main difference between a White Russian and a Black Russian is that a White Russian adds cream. You can substitute milk, but cream is best.

Why does your hair turn white even for teenagers?

it is due to the deficiency of melanin pigment.

How do you make a white Russian in doodle god?

milk+vodka=white russian....

How does hair get its color?

From the genes from your parents.The colour of your hair is determined by your genes. The colour is made of melanin. It is the pigment that is also responsible for the colour of your skin and is produced in the hair follicle.The amount of melanin and red somethings determine the color of your hair. if you have no melanin in your hair, it would be white. the reproduction of melanin slows as you age, which is why old people have grey hair. Same goes for skin, which is why albinos are completely white.