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sundrew grow in oligotrophic soil with little nitrates what they can get from their soil they need to supplment with what they catch in order to be able to grow.

nitrates - are used within the plants to synthesis amino acids, proteins and peptides without these the plant would not be able to grow and become stunted. in a natural environment this would prevent it from being able to compete with other plant species resulting in death and local extinction from the environment.

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Q: Why do Sundew plants need nitrates?
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Will sundew grows without a supply of nitrate?

In ordinary soil a sundew does not need any extra nitrates. In poor soil the plant can catch and digest its own supply of nutrient rich insects.

How do plants get the nitrates and minerals they need?

- absorbing nitrates from soil by the roots- for some plants fixing nitrogen with the help of bacteria

Why do sundew plants need to eat insects?

because they grow on poor soil

Where are sundew plants found?

Sundew plants have adapted to living in wet moorland that have an acid PH. Unlike other plants, sundew get their nutrients by capturing flies that stick to them and are then absorbed into the plant.

Which micronutrients are need by plants?

The useful mineral nutrients for plants is NITRATES and PHOSPHATES.

Where are sundew found?

Sundew plants have adapted to living in wet moorland that have an acid PH. Unlike other plants, sundew get their nutrients by capturing flies that stick to them and are then absorbed into the plant.

What do plants need nitrogen for?

Nitrogen available to plants as Nitrates supplies the wherewithall for plants to produce foliage.

Why are sundew plants grown in sand?

For some experiments, Sundew plants are grown in sand to demonstrate the ability of the roots to absorb nutrients such as Nitrates from it's surroundings. Sand is used as pure silicon sand has no natural nutrients and therefore it is possible to add or not add Nitrate based plant foods to each specimen. Thus proving the roots absorption in a fair experiment.

What do sundew plants catch to provide nitrogen?


What are some carnivorous plants?

Venus Fly Trap, Pitcher plants, sundew

Do you need thunder and lightning to exist?

Thunder is a byproduct of lightning. Lightning creates nitrates which plants require to grow. Other sources of nitrates exist. So lightning assists in helping plants grow.

How many species of sundew plants are there?

Drosera is the genus of sundew plants. There are four species of this plant.