

Why do Twilight movies leave out so much information?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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twilight leave out allot of info because it makes you want 2 know more

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Q: Why do Twilight movies leave out so much information?
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How much did all the twilight movies make?

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What are the differences of the Twilight play and movie?

There is no Twilight play, but there are the movies. The books are much different from the movies because in a book, you are alone reading and experiencing it by yourself (much better I think) as in a movie you are usually watching it with someone.

How much of the movie Twilight have they revealed?

Well, there are 4 Twilight books: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. They have made movies for the first 3. And are currently working on the final movie.

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As we know twilight is a very popular movie. Usually movies are 15.99$ Canadian but since its new and popular probaly 20$

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No, Bella does not leave to go back to Phoenix in the book "Twilight." She stays in Forks throughout the series.

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I'm not sure from what I've heard I THINK that someone else will play but I really hope that Kristen Stewart will continue to play Bella through out all the Twilight Saga movies!!!! I know its not much information but only Twilight is out right now so let's hope for the best!!

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She might like it but not to much because she doest like sci-fi movies a lot she loves to watch funny and nice movies like twilight.

Do you have to have seen all the twilight movies to understand breaking dawn?

Not necessarily, but it does help a lot. To understand the full detail of the movie, watching the other movies helps. The books are much better though!

Why is the Twilight Movies boring to male humans?

The Twilight Movies, and The Twilight Saga are boring to male humans because they are men and probably don't enjoy romance as much as woman. The books are extremely popular to female tweens and teenagers. They are also pretty popular to female adults as well, because of the romance content and excitement. Men do not enjoy romance as much because they like things like sports, which they believe is more exciting then romance. Just, if you have a problem with that, don't blame them, I bet some of the things they like to read or watch are boring to you as well as the Twilight Saga/Movies are to them.

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Because of the males as well as the romances that occur. It's usually to bring out their sweet side

Are movies copyrighted works?

Yes. Much of the end credits are copyright information.