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Q: Why do a lion have long curved canines?
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How long are one of largest lion's canines?

=A Large male was cough around Masai Mara and it's canines were amazingly big.==They were around 6 inches long!=

How long are lion's fangs?

Lions canines are amazingly big Male lions canines, 5 inches long, lionesses around 3-4 inches

Which has bigger canines the clouded leopard or the lion?

to its body size clouded leopard but to a normal size a lion .Clouded leopards canines:2-2.5 inches , lions up to 5 inches ,lion has twice as big canines as clouded

Who would win Sabertooth or a lion?

Sabre tooths were huge as well as having very long canines. the Sabre tooth would easily win.

How big are the jaguar's canines?

The jaguars canines our up to five centimeter long

What are lions canine used for?

A lion uses it's canine for ripping up food. If a lion is killed, they remove the canines and sell them at ancient markets.

How long is a hippo's tooth?

A male hippo's canines is about 6 inches long. A female hippo's canines is about 3 or 4 inches long.

Are a lion and tiger relate or lion and a cougar?

Lions, tiger, and cougars are all related. There all part of the cat family. A cougar is the same as a Mountain Lion. Tigers are Stronger, Heavier, and taller than a Lion. Lions are Faster. Tiger have 4 inch canines and 3 in claws. A lion have 3 inch canines and 3 inch claws.

What are 2 types of teeth in a lion's mouth?

The canines, which tear the food, and the molars, which then grind them for better digestion.

What animal is noble?

That is a very debateable question, but I would have to say canines. I hope that helped :)

Who will win - wolf or lion?

The lion no doubt. Even though the wolf has a higher bite force than the lion, still won't help him. We saw a video of a cougar killing a lone wolf. Imagine how a bigger and stronger lion would do. The lion has a larger and fatter canines and long sharp claws. A wolf's skull could fit into lion's mouth. Wolf has 406 lbs bite force and hyenas has 1000lbs of bite force and lion kills hyena easy.

What are the similarites between a lion and a tiger?

The two are very similar, being large, powerful cats. Both have long killing canines, and long claws. Tigers (the Bengal and Siberian subspecies) are heavier and longer than lions, the Indo Chinese tiger being roughly the same size as the lion. Other tiger subspecies are smaller.