

Why do accidents take place?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Because of human error.

and because some humans are to old to drive or to stupid or clumsy

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Q: Why do accidents take place?
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How do accidents take place due to unsafe condition or defective tools?

Most accidents take place due the negligence or conditions which make it prone to accident

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Where do the most car accidents take place in Dallas TX?

Loop 635

Which accidents can take place in school?

Common accidents that can take place in school include slips, trips, and falls in hallways or on stairs, collisions during physical education or sports activities, burns in science labs, and injuries from playground equipment. It is important for schools to have safety measures in place to prevent accidents and respond promptly if they do occur.

How do accidents occur?

accidents can happen at any time and place . they are dangerous as they cause injury to people . accidents occur due to carelessness .

When do most accidents occur for pilots?

Most accidents occur on take-off.

Why are road accidents taking place?

Statistically, driver inattention is the most prevalent cause of most accidents.

What are Controlled nuclear chain reactions?

Those reactions that take place in functioning nuclear reactors (i.e not Chernobyl or Fukushima when the accidents happened).

Why do some people meet accidents?

People HAVE accidents because they do something wrong or in the wrong place. Accidents are not sitting around waiting for people to happen upon them.

What is industrial accidents?

An accident that happens normally at a place of work. Industrial accidents are normally referred as that if there is a wide scale accident.

What are the five classification of accidents?

The 5 Classification Of Accidents Are :1. Vehicular Accidents2. Accidents At Home3. Accidents At School4. Accidents At Some Public Places5. Accidents At Working Place

Why is Fuel tank located at rear?

Most accidents occur in the front of a vehicle so for safety the tank is located in the rear. Also, there is no place in the front to place the fuel tank as the engine and transmission take up almost all of the area.