

Why do air bubbles break?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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14y ago

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There's different reasons why air bubbles 'break'. It also depends on what type of air bubbles? The ones that 'break' when you boil water break because boiling water weakens the intermolecular forces of water that help it have properties such as the cohesive properties of water which make water have high superficiality. What this means is that water molecules can attach to other water molecules through hydrogen bonding with other oxygens of other water molecules, they can also attach to each other by dipole-to-dipole attraction due to the polarity of water. All this properties of water make it be able to form bubbles or in other words to form a layer of water around gas particles that are inside of that layer and hold it in a round form. As temperature increases(boiling the water) these forces become weaker and the water is not able to hold the gas inside in a bubble which causes the bubble to break. Also, the fact that gaseous water is much lighter than liquid water makes the gas inside the bubble to tend to push up.

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