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The rear,small propeller is used for steering and attitude. The main rotor gives lift and forward movement.

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Q: Why do all helicopters have two propellers?
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Related questions

Why is a helicopters propeller sharp?

Helicopters propellers are not 'sharp' . They are aero-dynamically shaped.

What is a example of propellers on a plane?

there are no propllers on planes but there are on helicopters

Are helicopters rotor blades on the top called propellers?


Where is the rotor on an airplane?

Helicopters have rotors airplanes have propellers

Why do helicopters have propellers for kids?

They do not have propellors for kids. The propellors make the helicopter fly straight

Do helicopters have lights on their propellers?

sometimes, but they need to be on both sides or else the helicopter will lose its balance and crash! it is not beneficial if you put the lights on the propellers because they will move so fast you can't see them...

What are the two small propellers on a helicopter?

Propellors are on airplanes. Helicopters call them rotors. The small rotor on the back of the helicopter is used to counteract the torque created from the engine driving the main rotors.

How many propellers are there on a helicopter?

Generally speaking there are 4 propellers. Two of them are crossed over each other that form the main propellers, and the other two are at the rear.

What engine is in widespread use as the source of power for helicopters it is linked by gears to the helicopter's rotors in a manner similar to the turbine-driven propellers on airplanes?

They're powered either by a gas turbine engine (known as a turboshaft), or some helicopters (such as the Robinson helicopters) still use internal combustion engines.

Does a Boeing 707 have propellers?

No, the Boeing 707 did not have propellers, it had 4 turbo fan engines, two on each wing

What happen to the other two titanic propellers?

in a mueseum

What do you call the plane with two propellers?

Twin engine