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Q: Why do all shorelines share similarities?
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Shorelines are along the shore

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They all obey Kepler's 3 laws of planetary motion.

Do all shorelines have a surf zone?

no some have too fast currents

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on shorelines

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they had a hard life

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They both are old and worthless.

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You can talk about how all the great art came from this time period. Or write about how they all share similarities.

How hurricanes affect shorelines?

they erode shorelines away and put debris in the ocean

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They all can carry the same type of dissese

What similarities do the waves of all colours of light share?

All colors of light are forms of electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light through a vacuum. They have characteristics such as wavelength, frequency, and energy, with shorter wavelengths corresponding to higher frequencies and vice versa. Additionally, all colors of light can be described in terms of their wave-particle duality, with both wave-like and particle-like properties.