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The programing of the villagers is to find the nearest house and to take refuge there during the night.

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Q: Why do all the villagers in minecraft cluster in one house?
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How do you get bats out of your house in minecraft?

Light up your house and kill all the bats.

Can you have a villager baby of your own on minecraft?

No, you cant have a baby villager of your own, but you can get baby villagers in less than 10 seconds. All you have to do is find or spawn a villager, right click the villager as many times as you want, hit the villager, and you can have baby villagers (FYI, BABY VILLAGERS ARE VERY ANNOYING!)

Can i play minecraft on pc with no villagers?

Yes! All you have to do is: when making a new world you should see the button that says, 'Villages, Dungeons etc'-ON' and just click it for 'OFF'.

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All I did was save and quit, and opened the file again, appeared again (happened to my mayan woodcutter)

How do you make a bathroom in Minecraft?

You can create a bathroom in your Minecraft house by building a big, roomy section in your house, preferably accessible from your bedroom. Now all you need are the bathroom furnishings.

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Who was the Zen teacher who taught villagers?

All Zen teachers teach villagers. Not all villagers benefit from the experience or see the teacher. Right now, where is your teacher sitting?

When to build a big house on Minecraft?

It is best to build a big house house on Minecraft when you have the basic living materials such as; Food, a safe house, coal, a mine and a good set of tools. Once you have all these you can start build your big house but you have to make sure you enough building supplies like wood or stone.

What are all of the virtual villagers called?

Virtual Villagers 1: A New Home Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers

How do you light the the pit on fire in virtual villagers 4?

all viirtual villagers the three of life

Is there a mod were you can have a family on Minecraft?

Yes, there is a mod much like that where all the normal "testificate" NPC villagers are made to look like actual humans who you can speak to. You can also get married to female NPCs and have children. The mod is called the Minecraft Comes Alive mod. Searching it should quickly get you to its forum post.

What does all the population in a certain area make up?

What I believe you are referring to is cluster sampling or cluster. In cluster sampling, the population is divided into clusters and all population members in the cluster are sampled.