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Fibromyalgia is a widespread pain disorder. Codeine can help this because it is an opiate medication, which means it relieves pain. Opiates bind to the opioid receptors of the body, causing the release or increased usage of the the body's feel-good or pain relieving chemicals.

There are also studies being made where it is being found out, for reasons not yet known, fibromyalgia patients seem to be more responsive to codeine than other opiates such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and others. Codeine is said to be a weaker narcotic, so with the suffering of many of these patients being so severe; this is a mystery worth studying.

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10y ago

Doctors (usually a rheumatologist) may prescribe a specific type of Amphetamine to a patient with fibromyalgia. They have shown positive effects because they produce increased attentiveness and energy that was lost due to extreme fatigue caused by fibromyalgia.

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