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To let off more heat from a larger surface area.

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To stay cool from the heat. Elephants live in warm climates and have big ears to keep cool.

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Q: Why do animals have large ears in warm climates?
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Why do animals in warm climates have big ears?

To expel heat more efficiently. In the case of animals such as the fennec fox, those large ears have a large amount of blood vessels close to the skin which allows heat to dissipate more quickly. In the case of animals such as elephants (particularly African elephants, who have larger ears than their Asian cousins), the ears also keep the animal cool by acting as a fan of sorts when the elephant waves them back and forth.

Why does a fennec have long ears to live in the desert?

Fennecs have large ears, in part, to help dissipate heat. No doubt, they benefit by hearing well also. Warm-blooded animals in hot climates often have larger extremities and appendages than their counterparts in cooler climates. This is a principle called "Allen's Rule," named for Joel Asaph Allen, who first formulated the principle in 1877. See for more information about Allen's Rule.

Do vampire bats live in cold climates or warm climates?

All bats prefer warm climates

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to stay warm/retain body heat.

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Themoose's large size makes survival in warm climates difficult,

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In cold climates, the blubber helps to insulate the animal and keep them warm.. In hot climates, of there's limited food supply, the blubber acts as a food supply.

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No, this is not a place where they are wild. These animals are warm weather animals and like the warmer climates. They come from places like Brazil.

Do ocelots live in warm or cool climates?

i think they live in kind of mid - way climates. The ocelot is generally found in warm climates.

What part of a jackrabbit helps him cool?

Their ears have large blood vessels in them, which draws the warm blood to their thinly furred ears, thus cooling them off.

What do Brazil and Britain have in common?

they both have tropical climates

How does an elephant's ear stay warm?

The large ears of an elephant are serve the same function as a car engine's radiator. Behind the ears there is a large amount of blood vessels. Warm blood passing through these blood vessels is cooled before recirculating throughout the elephants body. This is why elephants seem to always be moving their ears. The fanning motion helps to cool the blood.So a more accurate question would be how they keep their ears from getting too warm.

How are snakes different?

Dogs are mammals, warm blooded furry animals with legs and ears. Snakes are reptiles- cold blooded, scales instead of fur, no legs, no ears.