

Why do animals look different?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Well see all the members of the animal family cant look like because there are a bunch of diffrent kinds of animals in the world, I mean there are different sizes, different colors, different species, and even different genders.

So really if all the animals looked alike and sounded alike they would all us humans in a BIG confusion!

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14y ago
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13y ago

Different animals have different ways of living. For example some animals sleep during the day some sleep during the night, all animals have different diets, and things like this can affect what they look like. Also development and the animals evolving will change the way they look.

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9y ago

All animals in a habitat don't fill the same niche so an animal that eats grass is adapted to that lifestyle, whereas an animal in the same habitat that eats meat would be adapted to that lifestyle.
Even animals of the same species can have enough genetic diversity to display variations in coat color and animals that perform difference functions within the habitat must have considerable differences in morphology (structure) to perform well at their "jobs".

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13y ago

because if they all looked the same it just wouldn't be cool and because of the way the animals are built up of different cells and bone structures.

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8y ago

all animals live in different habitats because they have adapted themselves to their own and convenient habitat in their own ways. e.g-lion has exactly same color as the dry grass

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If they are same on each other, it should be "animal", not "animals".

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