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Because the environment is already so cold, solid fats would harden or freeze making it very hard for the organism to survive or utilize the nutrients properly. Oil naturally takes longer to freeze than water does, and therefore creates a more usable fluid substance so the organism doesn't die. For example, arctic fish store their nutrients and body fats as oils so that they can always be flexible and swim properly. This is also why fish and fish oil is so popular to sell. The rich nutrients stored in the fatty oils provide many vitamins and other substances that many people need to maintain a healthy diet.

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16y ago
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15y ago

I would think liquid because a liquid is easier to break down when needed.

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9y ago

The advantage of body fat stored as oil not solid fat would be because the environment is cold, solid fat would become hard or freeze. The animal might not survive.

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Q: Why do animals that live in freezing climates store body fats as oil instead of as a solid?
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The process by which a liquid changes to a solid is called solidification or freezing. During this process, the molecules in the liquid slow down and come together to form a more ordered structure, resulting in a solid state.

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The action when a liquid turns into a solid is known as freezing.

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