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Because the gravity on the Moon is only 1/6th of that on Earth. Humans are used to pushing down hard when we walk, and that is not needed on the moon, so the extra force bounces them into the air.

In a bit greater detail, the lower gravity on the moon actually makes it harder to keep your balance, as we are adapted to much stronger gravity. It is much easier to move by jumping.

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13y ago

on the moon there is less of a gravitational pull, so you weigh less, hence you have the ability to bounce. plus you can't really run or walk on the moon or you will fall over or something like that

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Q: Why do astronauts on the moon bounce when they walk?
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Why did the astronauts bounce on the moon?

probaly because it was easier

Do astronauts need to walk on the moon?

No, because most astronauts just make it into space but don't walk on the moon and their still considered astronauts.

Who where first two astronauts who walk in the moon?

The first astronauts to walk on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

What countries have sent astronauts to walk on the moon?

Only the United States of America has sent astronauts to walk on the moon. The last astronaut to walk on the moon was Eugene Cernan in 1972.

Why you can not walk on the moon?

You can not walk like on earth on the moon, as it has less gravity you will bounce about.

Why can astronauts bounce on the surface of the moon?

Because the gravity of the moon is only 1/3 of that on Earth.

Who where the last astronauts on the moon and when?

The last astronauts to walk on the moon were Apollo 17. On 19/12/1972.

When the Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the moon was it hard to walk on the moon?

When the Apollo 11 landed on the moon , the astronauts found it hard to walk , as the gravity was one sixth of the earth.

Why do men need to walk in a different way on the moon?

There are two main reasons; the gravity is 1/6 of Earth's so astronauts tended to bounce along. Conversely, to survive on the moon, astronauts are carrying a large backpack and wearing a bulky spacesuit - which doubles their weight; you can see the affect of the weight as the astronauts tend to lean forwards.

What are the first people to walk on the moon?

Astronauts xD