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As more energy levels are occupied by electrons, the atomic radius gets larger.

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1w ago

Atomic radii generally increase going down the Periodic Table because the number of electron shells increases, leading to a larger atomic size. Additionally, the increasing nuclear charge is offset by increased electron shielding in larger atoms, allowing the outermost electrons to be further from the nucleus, making the atom larger.

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Q: Why do atomic radii generally get larger going down the periodic table?
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What are two generalizations that describe how the trends in atomic electronegativity vary with atom positions in the periodic table?

As you move from left to right across a period in the periodic table, atomic electronegativity generally increases, since elements are gaining more protons in the nucleus, which enhances their ability to attract electrons. In contrast, as you move down a group in the periodic table, atomic electronegativity generally decreases, as the size of the atoms increases and the outer electrons are farther from the nucleus, reducing the attraction for electrons.

What property increases going down a group in periodic table?

Atomic size increases going down a group in the periodic table. This is because additional energy levels are being filled with electrons, leading to an increase in distance between the nucleus and the outermost electron shell.

What best explains the observed trend in atomic radii going down periodic table?

The more energy levels that are occupied by electrons, the larger the atomic radius.

What trend is generally observed in electronegativity going across the periodic table from left to right?

Electronegativity generally increases going across the periodic table from left to right. This is because the effective nuclear charge increases, drawing the shared electrons closer to the more electronegative element.

What property increases going down the periodic table?

The atomic radius increases going down the periodic table due to the addition of more electron shells around the nucleus, leading to increased shielding effect and weaker attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.

Related questions

What explains the observed trend in the atomic radii going down the periodic table?

The more energy levels that are occupied by electrons, the larger the atomic radius.

What is an atomic group?

An atomic group is a group of atoms held together by chemical bonds forming a stable unit. It is the smallest unit of a chemical element that retains the properties of that element.

How do elements change going down the periodic table?

Down a group, the atomic number generally increases, size increases, ionization energy decreases, reactivity increases.

What property increases going down a group in periodic table?

Atomic size increases going down a group in the periodic table. This is because additional energy levels are being filled with electrons, leading to an increase in distance between the nucleus and the outermost electron shell.

What best explains the observed trend in atomic radii going down periodic table?

The more energy levels that are occupied by electrons, the larger the atomic radius.

How does electronegative change going down and across the periodic table?

Electronegativity generally decreases as you go down a group on the periodic table due to the increasing distance between the nucleus and valence electrons, reducing the attractive force. Across a period, electronegativity generally increases due to the increasing nuclear charge, pulling valence electrons closer and increasing their attraction.

Why does the atomic size increase when going left to right on the periodic table?

Mostly because there is an increase in the number of electrons. As you add more electrons, there is a larger Coulombic force repelling the electrons away from each other, and this makes the electon "cloud", and therefore the atom larger.

What is the first metal in the periodic table?

The first metal in the periodic table is lithium, with atomic number 3.

What trend is seen atom size going down the periodic table?

Excepting groups 5-12 of the periodic table.the atomic radius increase down in the group.

How does the atomic radius change from top to bottom in a group 1 and 2 in the periodic table?

Going down and to the left on the periodic table, atomic radius increases. Therefore, the smallest atomic radius is that of Helium (He), and the largest is that of Francium (Fr). Coincidentally, these are also the most and least reactive elements.

What is the atomic number of NaCI?

The atomic number of an element refers to the number of protons found in the nucleus. In the case of NaCI, it is a compound formed by sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Sodium has an atomic number of 11, and chlorine has an atomic number of 17.

What is periodic table or periodic chart?

The periodic table or chart is a display of all chemical elements which are ordered by atomic number.the atomic number simply tells you how many electrons there are in the atom. It was created by Dmitri Mendeleev then helped change by Henry Moseley because Dmitri Mendeleev had ordered it in atomic mass. It is used to predict where chemical elements are going to be found and where.