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Electronegativity increases across (left to right) the periodic table and decreases on going down.

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10y ago

Electronegativity generally decreases as you go down the Periodic Table. Electronegativity generally increases as you go left to right across the periodic table.

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Q: How does electronegative change going down and across the periodic table?
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How does electronegative change going down and across the table?

Electronegativity increases across (left to right) the periodic table and decreases on going down.

What trend is generally observed in electronegativity going across the periodic table from left to right?

From left to right and into the upper corner of the periodic table electronegativity increases. Fluorine is the most electronegative element, but the elements in group 18 generally have no electronegativity at all.

What trend is generally in electronegativity going across the periodic table from left to right?

From left to right and into the upper corner of the periodic table electronegativity increases. Fluorine is the most electronegative element, but the elements in group 18 generally have no electronegativity at all.

What statement applies to the horizontal rows or periods in the periodic table.?

The statement applies to the horizontal rows or periods in the Periodic Table is that properties change going across each row.

What statement applies to the horizontal rows or periods in the periodic table?

The statement applies to the horizontal rows or periods in the periodic table is that properties change going across each row.

Going vertically across the periodic table is?

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Why is the meaning of group different in a periodic table?

The line going across

How is the electronegative trend relate to the first ionization energy trend?

Electronegativity and first ionization energy both increase going up the Periodic Table.

Are period 1 elements more electronegative than period 2 elements?

Yes, going down the periods on the periodic table decreases electronegativity.

What is the relationship between a period and a group in the periodic table?

A period are the rows going across on a periodic table, a group is the rows going up and down. there is no relation in them.

What is the periodic trend for elctronegativity?

Going down a group...electronegativity decreases Going across...electronegativity increases

What are the names of the periods on the periodic table?

Periods are the elements on the periodic table that go across, in rows. So basically going across each row is called a period