

Why do atoms bond with other atoms?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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12y ago

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But the reason only certain elements(atoms) can bond with only specific types is because of their valence electrons. The number of valence electrons depends if the element can bond with the other. The number you want to remember is 8. You can combine Na(sodium) and Cl(Chlorine). Na has 1 valence electron and Cl has 7 valence electrons, when you combine them they will have 8 valence electrons. The process takes alot of energy to combine them. NaCl you would know as sodium Chlorine or known as table salt. There are more complicated ways called covalent bonds but thet is the basic reason only certain elements bond.

Remember, ionic bonds form between metals and nonmetals.

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12y ago
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13y ago

some atoms have full outer electron shells (noble gases...argon, krypton, neon etc..) so they are very unreactive and do not need to bond with other substances

atoms that do not have full outer shells either share electrons with other atoms (form covalent bonds) or gain/lose electrons from other atoms (form ionic bonds)

the number of bonds they form depends on the number of electrons they need to gain/lose/share!

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2w ago

Atoms bond with other atoms to achieve a more stable electron configuration. By sharing or transferring electrons, atoms can attain a full outer shell of electrons (usually 8) and lower their overall energy, making them more stable. This bonding allows atoms to form molecules and compounds with different properties than the individual atoms.

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12y ago

well it is because the atom has 3 main objects= the electron, the neutron and the proton. Now lets take a carbon atom for example, it has 6 protons and 6 electrons and 6 neutrons the neutrons don't do anything they are just neutral, the protons are the center of the atom and the electrons are flying around the protons and create a shell (which is not really a shell the electron just flies so fast around the protons that they just make a shell effect). back to the point, well the atom can only have a limited amount of electrons flying in the same shell, so when the shell is full it makes another shell witch can contain more electrons. as i have said the carbon atom only has 6 electrons and there can only be 2 electrons in the first shell and in the second shell can only posses 8 electrons, but wait the carbon atom only has 4 electrons left, so it needs 4 more electrons or get rid of 4 so the carbon can be satisfied the carbon atom looks for an atom that needs 4 electrons or like methane CH4 (one carbon atom and four hydrogen) and the hydrogen only has 1 electron in its first shell so the carbon shares its 4 electrons with the 4 hydrogen atoms and there they have made a bond witch makes the molecule CH4 or methane

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13y ago

Valence electrons are the electrons on the outermost ring, meaning their orbit is furthest from the nucleus. Every layer of electrons wants to hold eight electrons (except the innermost one, which wants two) and the outermost ring holds the extras, so it usually doesnt have the set of eight it wants. To fix this, it either gives up the valence electrons, if it has 4 or less, or takes in more from another atom, if it has 4 or more. Atoms with four valence electrons can either give them away or take from others. This forms an ionic bond because electrons have a negative charge, so if an atom takes in more, it has a negative charge, and if it gives some up, it has a positive carge, so when atoms exchange electrons, they gain opposite charges, and so are magnetically attracted to one another.

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14y ago

Ionic bonds are formed between two atoms when one atom donates one or more electrons to the other. This process is dependent of the electronegativity of the atoms (how much the atom likes to have more electrons). The donor atoms are always metals, and the recipient atoms are always non-metals.

So, two atoms of the same element will have the same electronegativity, and they'll both be either a metal or a non-metal, but not one of each.

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11y ago

Because of the attraction between the ions that form after the exchange of electrons. The metal acquires a positive charge(Loses electrons), the non-metal acquires a negative charge(Gains electrons), and so the 2 ions are attracted to one another

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10y ago

because im heaven

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