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Onomatopeia, like all poetic devises, is simply a way to make language sound more pleasing to the ear.

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How can using an onomatopia affect the reader?

Ex. pop! could be for popcorn

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Do you have war poems showing onomatopia?

yes of curse

Is huff an onomatopia?

Yes, "huff" can be considered an onomatopoeia because it imitates the sound of someone exhaling loudly or forcefully.

The harsh peppery assault of the dried berries. What figure of speech is this?

This is an example of personification, where the dried berries are described as inflicting a harsh assault, attributing human qualities to them.

Give 5 example of a onomatopia?

"Buzz" - the sound a bee makes. "Crash" - the sound of two objects colliding. "Meow" - the sound a cat makes. "Sizzle" - the sound of food cooking in a hot pan. "Boom" - a loud explosive sound.

Can you use onomatopia in a sentence?

"The crowd's murmur rose to a buzz when they heard the boom." Bolded words are examples of onomatopoeia

What are six different techniques a poet uses to make a poem?

They use rhyme, metaphors, similies, onomatopia, repatition and assonance

What is am equals an onomatopia?

no. an onomatopoeia is the use of words to imitate sounds, and I'm not a genius, but i don't think "am equals" is one.:)I may be wrong.

What animals have onomatopoeic names?

An example of an onomatopoiea is: The waves crashed and smashed against the sea defence, OR The trees rustledin the wind, OR The sausages hissed and spat in the frying pan.

Is rustling an onomatopoeia?

no. onomatopia is something like Crunch! or Swoosh! though it probably devoloped into the English language because it sounded like what people were trying to explain. :)

What are some examples of onomatopia?

The Bells, by E.A. Poe, for one. Also, Jabberwocky and the Highwayman, but the Bells is better.