

Why do avalanche's happen?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Avalanches often happen when loose packed snow becomes too heavy for snow lower down a slope to support it. When the snow becomes too heavy, it creates an avalanche.

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7y ago

Because gravity happens and erosion causes mountains and rocks to become unstable. There are also mudslides too.

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Do avalanches happen on mount Whitney?

yess it does

How many avalanches happen a year on mt Everest?

every 48 hours

What is the amount of avalanches a year?

in one year in north America over 100,000 avalanches happen each year

When does the biggest avalanche happenz?

Nobody can predict when avalanches happen.

How many avalanches have fallen on mount Everest?

It is impossible to say how many avalanches have fallen on Mount Everest. An avalanche can happen at any moment during the day or night and many are not seen.

How often do avalanches happen in the Swiss Alps?

Every 48 hours

How do you predict avalanches?

Avalanche prediction involves analyzing weather conditions, snowpack stability, and terrain factors to assess the likelihood of an avalanche occurring. Techniques include snowpack tests, observing weather patterns, and considering the slope angle and aspect. Advanced tools such as avalanche forecasts and advisory services can also aid in predicting avalanches.

When do avalanches mostly happen?

Most AVALANCHES happen during late winter or early spring but, There are AVALANCHES in the winter especially right after a storm like for example, if there is a storm and it climbs over a cliff and someone walks on it an AVALANCHE will occurYour welcome for the anwser :)

Can avalanches happen anytime during the year?

it can happen when there is very Strong wind that's what Ive been told

What disasters could happen in Auckland?

Earthquakes, landslides, floods, avalanches, volcanic eruptions and cyclones.

Can loud noises start avalanches?

Yes I've seen it happen many times before

Can loud noises start a avalanches?

Yes, loud noises such as explosives, thunder, or even the vibrations caused by heavy machinery, can trigger avalanches by disrupting the snowpack's stability. These disturbances can cause weak layers within the snow to collapse and start a chain reaction leading to an avalanche.