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It is a sign of being anointed as priest to lead others to God by your baptismal call.

It is a sign of being anointed as prophet to speak for God.

It is a sign of being anointed as king, like Jesus, not to be served but to serve others.

The sacred chrism oil is used for ministry to serve as at Baptism, Confirmation, and as a priest at Holy Orders.

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Q: Why do babies get bathed in oil in baptism?
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Do you have to be certain age for baptism?

You don't have to be a certain age for baptism, babies to elderly people get baptised

Do wiccans believe in baptism?

We call it a Wiccaning. Yes, we have our own baptism ceremony for babies (or new members of the faith).

What oil is used before the Baptism?

The oil is CHRISM

What age are you supposed to be during baptism?

You can be any age at baptism. Mostly it is babies that are baptised, but it can be children or adults who are baptised too. So there is no set age for baptism.

Is baptism a symbol of of dying and rising again?

It is a symbol of being bathed in the blood of Christ showing His covering of your sins, and you outward expression of you inward love.

What type of oiol use in baptism?

Oil of catechumens and oil of chrism

What are some sacret items in baptism?

sacred items of baptism are oil holy water and an altar

What are the 2 symbols of baptism?

water and oil

Where does the Chrism oil go on a baby in a baptism?

The oil goes on the forehead. Isn't that cool.

What oils are used during the sacraments of initiation?

The sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist Baptism oils are Oil of Catechumens, given only at Baptism as a welcome to church, and also Oil of Chrism, given after Baptism as a sign of priest, prophet, king. At Confirmation the Chrism oil is given, as at Baptism, confirming the gifts of the Holy Spirit At Eucharist, no oils are used

Why various religions initiate babies?

In Christianity, baptism is a ritual that helps insure salvation. Some believe that it is better to baptise babies so that if they die they have a chance to go to heaven. Baptism also includes vows from the parents to raise the child in the faith.

What is the thing called when a baby get sprinkled with three times?

This is called baptism in churches that perform this on babies, although its validity as qualifying as the ritual of baptism is questioned by some denominations.