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Q: Why do babies have to eat mashed food?
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What foods should babies eat and why?

The foods babies should eat are very soft food, like mashed bananas or baby food ect. this is because babies obviously have no teeth and therefore need food that they can directly swollow without having to chew through anything they're not able of chewing.

What foods can babies eat?

You can feed babies various types of mushy foods. The reason for the mooshy foods is because the babies do not have teeth. They can not grind down food yet, so therefore it must be mashed before eatin. Babies should not eat hard candies, this might lead to

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Eat mashed Potatos

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MasheD potatoes Obviously

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mashed potatoes and eagle beaks or a good fufu and jamajama

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babys can eat baby food like mashed up food in glasses like banana pudding

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i eat lamb and all kinds of other things

Why do babies eat soft food?

babies does eat soft foods because they don't have teeth yet to be able to grined the hard foods. they jsut eat soft foods for their gums not to wounded by hard foods and also babies do usually just taste the food they ate and don't even grind it it just only melts in their mouth and when it is already soft they can already swallow it the natural way without any harm for them that's why babies eats on like biscuites like Marie and cereal like cerelac mashed potatoes squash or carrots.

If rats don't have food would they eat there babies?

It's most likely they dumped their food bowl. So, there is probably food in their bedding that they can dig up and eat. Rats only eat their babies if they are born dead. :(

When after taking ecstasy What is a good choice of food to eat?

comfort food like french fries, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes...