

Why do baboons have red buts?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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The colorful red butts on baboons are usually a sign that the female baboon wants to mate.

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10y ago
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11y ago

They use their butts to attract mates.

The redder the better.

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13y ago

because once upon a time, the first baboon in this world sat on noahs ark that was painted red in colour so until now, baboons butt are still red.

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14y ago

They have no fur on their buttocks, and their skin is pink.

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13y ago

1.because they ate blue berries

2. they are to fat to have a normal one

3. they are nerds

3. the zookeepers put food coloring in their medical shot

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13y ago

because they sit on it all day

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