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Q: Why do bankers use spread sheets?
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Related questions

How would a scientist use a spread sheet?

Scientists can use spread sheets to record data from their experiments.

What do teacher use spreed sheets for?

They get a sheet and spread butter on it.

Why do Businesses use spread sheets for?

they use it too keep track of things like wahes or time

What do shopkeepers use spread sheets for?

they use it so they can keep track of how much money they have got and how many products have been bought.

Why do shopkeepers use spread sheets?

To keep track of sales and how much they earn in a day and how much sock they sell.

Why will banks use spreadsheets?

the reason is because spread sheets are very reliable and acurate and they can safely hold vast amounts of information :)

How do i start a new tab on a spread sheet?

to the right of the tabs (sheets 1 to 3) there is a icon that can be clicked or use SHIFT and F11

Who use spread sheets?

Buisnesspeople, magazines, teachers, kids in ICT lessons and people who want to set out data in an easy way.

Why would an accountant use a spreadsheet?

Accountants may use spread sheets for different reasons like for calculations or preparation of financial statements or recording purposes etc.

What are spread sheets?

hello.....please answer my question...i need it now,,,,

Do spread sheets derive their name from accountants ledgers?


Which Microsoft program is used to create spread sheets?
