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Because insects can see purple, blue etc. better than red, orange etc. That's why tropical red flowers are almost always pollinated by birds, and red berries are eaten by birds; birds can see red better, insects can see blue better. Insects are also quite good with ultraviolet light, which is why many flowers have markings that are invisible to us, but visible to them - they can see colours beyond our vision.

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Q: Why do bees like blue flowers most of all?
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2 plants that blue baned bees polinate from?

they are like most bees and like many different types of flowers, except they love blue flowers hence the name blue banded bee.

Will most flowers attract bees?

Most bees only go for brightly coloured flowers etc: roses

What atrackts bees?

To attract bees to your garden use flowers or plants that are blue, purple or yellow, bees find these colors most attractive. Chose a variety of plants that will bloom all year long, this will attract bees all through the year.

What attracts bees?

fresh brightly coloured adult flowers attract most bees

What colour flowers do bees most visit?

yellow dandelions

Brightly colored flowers are most often pollinate by?


What flower do bees like?

Bees prefer fragrant, red coloured flowers like roses. Yellow, scentless or purtrid smelling flowers are frequented by flies. I have however seen hungry bees on Dandilions and dasies. Hunger seems to be a great motivator.

What color should a bee hive be?

It doesn't matter that much. White is the traditional color, but some beekeepers paint them in different colors. This helps the bees return to the correct hive if several hives are close together. It is better to keep to light colors because in hot weather a hive painted a dark color will easily become too hot for the bees.

Why are the flowers of most plants obvious?

One of the most important reasons for flowers is to attract bees and insects for pollination.So the flowers are bright Nd attractive by nature.

What is the important job of bees?

The most important job of bees is to pollinate the flowers they visit. This is essential for the development of the crops.

What insect fertilizes the flowers that grow on cacao tree trunks?

The flowers of the cacao tree are not fertilized by bees like most flowers. These flowers are pollinated by gnats. It is this insect that carries the pollen from flower to flower which allows the cocoa pods to grow.

How pampas grass flowers are most likely pollinated?

They are most likely pollinated by wind or pollinators, such as bees.