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A black hole is a collapsed star, like the sun, that is very small in size, but, the gravitation pull is so strong, that a person is ripped to shreds if they get near it. A black hole gets it's name from the fact that the gravitation pull is so strong not even light can be reflected from it. We can't see black holes, but, we can tell they are there by the effect they have on the objects near them. They are whirlpools in space, pulling objects into them. When we see a trail of objects being pulled into darkness, that's a black hole.

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Q: Why do black holes stretch you like taffy?
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Could all black holes lead to the same singularity?

black holes lead no where so don't try it they just stretch you out like a noodle several times till you are just made up as atoms

What are black holes like in science fiction movies?

Black holes in science fiction movies are giant, black holes that rotate like a circular saws inwards.

How can you feel a black hole is near by?

You get stretched out like spaghetti or a piece of taffy straight towards the event horizon. EDIT: This is wrong in many cases. The event horizon really isn't that dramatic in large black holes. You will get stretched if you approach the singularity, not necessarily the event-horizon.

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I ain't stringing you no taffy?

why not i like taffy. if you string me tafffy i will share my donuts with you.

Can you stand on black holes?

No, this is not something material like a table or a chair. Black holes are simply an area in space where gravity is infinite.

How is gum like mantle?

You might have been confused gum for taffy. The mantle is like taffy/gum because it is supposedly runny. (well, I guess I would be HOT taffy)

Do black holes really have wormholes?

they look like worm holes but even bigger. they are in space

Explain about the researches on black holes?

Black holes are that stars which has passed their all life or expired star and it absorb light of sun therefore cant reflect the ligh of sun, so its look like black holes.

Do white holes suck up objects like black holes do?

no. white holes are actually an object predicted by scientists to exist on the other side of a black hole. it is predicted to spit out objects that entered a black hole.

Should you explore black holes?

Black holes are an interesting phenomenon that astrophysicists would like to explore, but naturally, they would not want to get too close.

How do you clean taffy for seats?

I didn't know there was taffy for seats, doesn't sound like a great idea to me.