

Why do 'blue tongue lizards' shed their skin?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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blue tongue lizards shed their skin because their scales don't grow so as they grow if they didn't shed skin their skin would just tear.

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cos there growing

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Q: Why do 'blue tongue lizards' shed their skin?
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How often do lizards shed their skin?

Many lizards shed their skin several times a year.

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Does lizards change there skin like snakes?

Lizards will shed their skin in a similar way as snakes as they grow and mature, though it is usually shed in small pieces instead of large pieces as with most snakes.

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All lizards shed their skin once in a while and so does the komododragon.

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ALL snakes (and lizards) shed their skin periodically. The general rule is - the younger the reptile - the more frequently they shed. Reptile skin is regenerated all at once - not in tiny flakes like human skin. Thus they have to shed their skin in order to grow.

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it means they are about to shed their skin

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How im scare u sittin right next to me slow boy

Why are ball pythons eyes tinted blue somethimes?

If a ball python's eyes are tinted blue, they are in shed. This means they are growing, or their scales are worn down and they are getting ready to shed their old skin. Soon after their eyes clear up again, they will shed their skin.

What is the blue tongue lizards color?

A blue tongue lizard has various skin colour. Depending on the specie when we may be more specific and detailed. They usually in general can be gray , tan and brown. Many have dark brown bands across the body. The common or eastern blue tongue lizard is a grayish colour with many dark brown bands across their scaly skin. If you would like more check on several Australian museum, wikipedia, wikianswers and several other websites. -Podolski(also poldosker)

Amphibians are distinguished from earlier vertebrates by?

Amphibians are known for their large mouth, fleshy tongue, eyelids(they have glands that will keep their eyes moist), and their ability to shed skin. Reptiles also can shed skin seeing as to how these two phylums are close.

Boojho wants to know why caterpillars need to shed their skin when they grow bigger but we humans do not?

because as all caterpillers grows bigger their skin gets tighter so they shed just like snakes, lizards,and all other amphibians but us humans we only shed on our pams and feet because every where else our skin grows with are body.