

Why do brothers and sisters share the same trait?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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10y ago

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Because their mother and father both gave the same amount and their basicly the same

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Mandy Johnston

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1y ago
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Q: Why do brothers and sisters share the same trait?
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Yes, if you have one parent in common and the other is not your biological parent your siblings would be your half brothers or sisters. Cheyzer

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My little sister has a different father than me. Therefore, she is my half sister. Her brothers aren't related to me. Because we don't share the same mother or father. My little sister also has a step brother, and not the same mom or dad. Same with her 2 sisters and her 2 step sisters.

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A sibling is your brother or sister, if you have a lot of brothers and sisters, people tend to use sibling because it is easier then say 'I have 7 brothers and 3 sister' instead you can say 'I have 10 siblings'