

Why do bunnies rub objects?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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No, it is in fact the opposite. They have glands under their chin, which secretes pheromones, which is their olfactive "signature". By rubbing them on their favorite spots throughout the house, they mark the bounaries of their territory. If one of those spots has a strange odour, the rabbit will feel compelled to "cover" it with it's own smell : that is probably what you saw. The rabbit smells by the nose : if you look closely, you will see your bunny wrinkle it while inspiring. By doing so, it puts the odour in contact with it's olfactive receptors, like us inspiring by the nose.

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15y ago
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11y ago

If you don't keep their litter clean then, yes, rabbits do have a bad smell. If you clean the litter every day or two then, no, rabbits do not have a smell.

Spayed/neutered rabbits also tend to smell less than rabbits that haven't been altered.

If your rabbit is dehydrated, his/her urine will also smell stronger. Make sure your rabbit drinks plenty of water, not just for the smell but also for his/her health.

See the related questions below for more info about caring for rabbits, and helpful links!

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12y ago

bunnys rub objects to claim them or own them

if they binky they are just happy

if your rabbit spray pees (squirts) he is also claiming the object

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Bunnies do not have eyeliner on.

Do bunnies have preys?

Bunnies are vegetarians, and do not have prey.

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They are not carnivores. Bunnies are herbivores, which is like being vegetarian. Bunnies do not and will not eat meat.

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Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Hetalia FTW ((Ok, here's the actual answer. If we use less electricity, it doesn't pollute the water with coal and oil particles. )) Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies Flying Mint Bunnies HOLY SWEET MAPLE JESUS I LOVE FLYING MINT BUNNIES. BI ...I'm Canada. HI GUYS. E.G New Zealand, Romano, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Scotland, Nova Scotia, and Russia. BI ~From Mattie Canada Williams and Pretty Princess Petunia.

Where are bunnies found?

Bunnies are often found at a breeder's house who raises or breeds bunnies. You can also find them at a pet store. Go online to see where bunnies can also be found.

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How do you know bunnies are happy?

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Attractive smells to people might not be very appealing to rabbits. Bunnies prefer their own smell on you. They might rub their chin on you to get their scent on you. Their chins have scent glands.

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