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Q: Why do cactuses have needles and thick skin?
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How does the cactuses needles relate to a barbed wire fence?

They are similar because both are used for protection.

What is the habitat of Old Man cactuses?

Old man cactuses grow into groups of tall, cylindrical shapes. Their needles are small and hair like, looking like an old man's hair. They like to colonize.

Which biome has spiny plants with waxy cuticles?

The tropical rainforest does not have thick waxy needles. The coniferous forest has thick waxy needles so that water on the needles wont easily be evaporated.

How do cactuses respond to their environment?

Cacti live in the desert, and as such must prevent the loss of water. * They are covered with a waxy substance which keeps the water under the "skin" of the plant. * Their "leaves" are in the form of needles, which, because of less surface area, helps it retain water. These are also a form of self-defence.

Which animal skin is 4cm thick?

It is the skin of the rhino that is 5 cm thick. The skin of the rhino and hippopotamus is usually between 1.5cm and 5cm thick.

How thick is skin of buffalo?

buffalo's skin is 1.562cm thick

How thick is buffalo skin?

buffalo's skin is 1.562cm thick

What are Needles use for?

Magnum needles are used to color in large areas of skin or for shading effects

Do children hate needles?

Most children are afraid of needles. They hate how long the needles are and it scares them that it goes through the skin and cause pain.

What is the use of needles?

It forces the ink into your skin.

What are magnum needles used for?

Magnum needles are used to color in large areas of skin or for shading effects

What is the duration of Cactuses?

The duration of Cactuses is 1.55 hours.