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Camel bulges are actually filled with fat. The longer a camel does not eat or is able to drink the "hump(s)" will appear deflated since it will pull from the fat store for survival.

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7y ago

Yes, a camel humps are used to store fat.

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Q: Why do camel have fat filled humps?
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What do the humps on a camel contain?


Do the humps in the camel convert food to fat?

No. The humps store water.

How do dromedary camel and a bactrian camel conserve energy while moving?

They conserve energy by storing fat in their humps.

Is the water stored in the fat that the camel stores in their humps?

No. Despite the lore surrounding camels and their humps, a camel's hump has nothing to do with their excellent retention of water.

How long can a camel store water in it's humps?

Camels do not store any water in their humps. The hump is a reserve of excess fat for energy.

Can camel have 2 humps?

The dromedary, one-humped or Arabian camel has a single hump and is well known for its healthy low fat milk, and the Bactrian camel has two humps.

Why does camels have hump?

that is where they store extra fat so that when they are stuck in the desert they have extra food to live off of.

Which substance is present in the hump of a camel?

Camel's humps are made up of fat. In the wild, camels eat lots of rubbish food and so the fat is very coarse, whereas in captivity they are fed good quality food and so the fat is 'squishy' and soft. This is why camel's humps flop over in captivity.

What helps camals survive?

In those humps they store fat, not water. The fat becomes an energy source for the camel.

How do camel store food?

Camels store fat on there humps which makes more food and water.

What does a camel's humps contain?

it contains fat but when it travels in the desert it can live an the fat.

Do camel's humps contain fat and no water?

They contain fat. They do not store water, but there is water in them as there is water in all living tissue.