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Cats Will Normaly Stick Their Tongues out when they lick their selfs and then forget where to put it at when their done.. that shows how lazy they realy are :]

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15y ago
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13y ago

Dogs open their mouths because that how they cool themselves off.

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11y ago

because they have never smelled something like that before. They have something in there throat that will help them smell it better than there nose.

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Q: Why do cats open their mouths if they smell something bad?
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Crocodiles are often seen on the beach, looking like they are asleep, with their mouths open. What they are doing is basking, they keep their mouths open to regulate their body temperature. People sweat, dogs and cats pant, and crocodiles open their mouths :)

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Trying to smell something

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It helps their sense of smell.

Can cats open their mouth and smell with it?

Cats have a special gland on the roof of their mouth that allows them to 'taste' the scent, letting them smell it better. So in a sense they are. I am sorry I cannot remember what it is called and I can't find it.

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The gargoyles have their mouth open so they can insult you. look for all of them and shoot them down do get something. you will find that 'something' in the Gargoyles Cove that is under the Bowerstone Market bridge. Oh and you get a 'something' for every ten gargoyles you destroy.

Why do cats open their mouths?

Sometimes, yes, they pant. This can also happen when they're kind of freaking out too. When I was taking my cat home from a cat motel, in his cat cage, he was panting like a dog. It was a hot day, and he was a bit uncomfortable aswell. I'm not sure if it's bad if it happens, but if it does, try to cool your cat down and calm it.

Why do eels open and close their mouths?

eels must open and cloth their mouths constantly in order to circulate water over their gills

Why do cats open their mouth's when they rub against you?

Just like dogs, cats drool. My dog drooled when it was expecting a treat. If you do this on a regular basis they get a reflex action anticipating the treat. Cats sense that you are going to give it a treat and it purrs, drooling awaiting the treat. I had a strange cat that did this with caramel candy. The cat liked caramel candy and at a certain time of day the cat would show up wanting the candy. Purring and drooling. It was a special habit.

Why do cats froth from the mouth?

Excess saliva from dogs mouths is often a sign of fear. The saliva froths up from barking and growling. Sounds strange but fear in dogs who act and seem like they want to fight is natural. A frightened dog wants to dominate the other so it doesn't have to be fearful anymore.

How can dogs dive underwater with their mouths open?


When do guinea pigs open there mouths?

for food