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Q: Why do certain people make other nervous?
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There are certain chemicals in alcohol that mess up your brain's functioning, and throw your nervous system and pretty much every other system in your body off balance. Kind of sad:(

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Actually a lot of people get nervous when they first make out. It is the first time they get so close to a person of the opossite sex and that's why this happens.

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They make certain people happy, not the same certain people. That's an answer in a humorous way, but I can't imagine any other way.

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it means that you get nervous

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people scare each other just to be fun or make their hearts race. most people like having a good scare in there now in then because it keeps them alert and nervous which might not seem a good thing but it may be. i love scary stuff but hate horrors when the person is just so STUPID and it makes me mad but I'm usually nervous a little afterward

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I personally think it will make u nervous

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nervous system

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you just need to make sure you remember it's just a book , and make sure you read the book during the day or around other people to feel insured of safety which helps with the fear

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