

Why do chameleons change colors?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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7y ago

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Most people think chameleons change color to camouflage into the background so they cannot be seen. While there are some chameleon-like lizards that do change colors for this reason, it's actually not the biggest reason for chameleons themselves.

Scientists believe the main reason chameleons change color is to communicate with other chameleons and show off their mood! For example, some chameleons will change colors if they see another chameleon and are excited about it! Or they might also change colors when they're feeling scared or ready to defend themselves.

Chameleons also sometimes change colors to adjust to temperature and light. A cold chameleon might turn to a darker color to help itself absorb more heat! A chameleon in bright sun might change colors to help itself reflect more light.

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Some animals have thick skin for defense (like a rhino) and some spray noxious fluid (skunk), but a chameleon has evolved skin that changes color to match its surroundings, hiding it from predators.

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