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Chameleons have long tongues in order to catch food. Their tongue can grow twice as big as their body. They eat things like flies, lotus and many more insects and bugs, they might even eat smaller reptiles.

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Q: Why do chameleons have long tongues?
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How the chameleons eat their food?

Chameleons eat their pray by catching it with their long tongues then they gobble up their pray and digest the meal.

How do chameleons drink?

They shoot water off leaves with their tongues.

What are the characteristic of chameleon?

chameleons are known to be great matters. they like to have babies. or eggs. they have long tails, asnd loang tongues hkaeve ajfu

Which Animal's tongue weighs as its body?

The animals that are most well-known for their especially long tongues are the chameleons. There are over 150 species of chameleon, and many, but not all of them, have tongues longer than their bodies.

What are facts about chameleons?

Chameleons are insectivorous, and they catch bugs with their long, sticky tongues. They can turn each eye separately. They have opposable toes on their feet, so their feet grip branches similar to monkeys' hands.

How do particular adaptations of animals affect what they eat?

Different animals are adapted to find food in different ways. Chameleons have long tongues so that they can stretch and catch flies with. Giraffes have long necks so that they can reach leaves from the tall trees.

How long does a chameleons tongue shoot out?

A chameleons tongue can shoot out over twice as long as it's body length.

Does a giant day gecko have long tongues?

no not really, they are about a couple centimeters

Are chameleons green?

Chameleons are green when they are happy, but they can change color so they might not stay green for long.

How long is a panther chameleons tails?

it is 60m

Do they have long tongues?


Why are giraffes tunges long?

Sorry, I don't have the answer, But tongues is spelled like Tongues.