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Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven and lives today as one of the three personalities of god: father, son, and spirit.

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Q: Why do christians beleieve jesus is eternal?
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Why is Jesus your saviour?

Christians believe that by His death, Jesus made it possible for us to have eternal life, that He died that our sins might be forgiven. Therefore, believing this, Christians acknowledge Jesus as their Saviour.

How do Christians share their faith with others?

By telling them about how Jesus Christ for their sins so they could have eternal life.

What is important to Christians and why?

Jesus Christ and the Bible; because Jesus died for our sins and gives us eternal life; and the Bible tells us this and that Jesus loves us.

What excuses us from eternal punishment?

Belief in Jesus Christ and acceptance of his sacrifice for our sins are what excuses us from eternal punishment. Christians believe that through faith in Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we are granted eternal life.

How are christians giving a gift of eternal life through jesus' death and resurrection?

Christians are given the gift of eternal life by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart, and believing that He died and rose again for the remission of our sins. And also believing that He is the way the truth and the life, and believing He is the only way to be saved.

What are the major beleifs of christians?

Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he rose from the dead on the third day and that anyone who belvieves in him will have eternal life

What do Christains believe they will gain by accepting Jesus and his teachings?

Christians believe that by accepting Jesus and his teachings, they will gain forgiveness of their sins, eternal life in heaven, a relationship with God, guidance for living a moral and fulfilling life, and hope for the future.

What did Jesus appreciate in people?

It wasn't mentionned in the Bible any appreciation from JESUS to the people EXCEPT their FAITH and their BELEIEVE in GOD's power to do miracles and to cure any pains...

Why do Christians get beaten?

Christians get beaten because they believe in Jesus Christ and proclaim his glory,follow His examples, spreading the Good News of Salvation and relation of man to God through Christ.Also, during the time of Jesus on earth He already prophesized the persecution of believers after His resurrection and promised eternal life for the christians after life.

Why is there a cross used in Christianity?

The cross is the symbol of Jesus Christ who was crucified on a cross and to many Christians it stands for eternal life because Jesus died on the cross but rose again 3 days later.

When was Jesus Christians created?

Jesus Christians was created in 1980.

What do christians believe that Jesus was?

Christians believe Jesus was who he said he was and proved it to the Jews, Romans and Gentiles. He is the Messiah (Jewish Savior) as promised by God to Israel. He is the Son of God making him the God/Man person sent by God himself. Christians and some Jews believe he is the only one who could enable us to get to heaven and have eternal life. Jesus was specific. If you declare he is the Son of God and turn from your sins to Him you will receive eternal life. Many of the Jews at the time were upset because he equated himself to be God and be equal with God. They crucified him for this reason (note that Jesus is Jewish). Christians believe Jesus/The Holy Spirit/Father God are their authority and His Word (the Bible) is their authoritative guide to live by. See link below