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When a cell divides, each of the daughter cells should contain a copy of the entire genome. This is the reason why a copy of every chromosome has to be made so that one half can go into each daughter cell.

If the parent call contained 23 chromosomes for example, during the synthesis phase of the cell cycle (of which prophase is a part), the total number of chromosomes will increase to 46 since each chromosome will be copied.

When the cell divides to create two daughter cells, each daughter cell will contain 23 chromosomes.

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Q: Why do chromosomes double during prophase?
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Chromosomes form during what?

Chromosomes form during Prophase of Mitosis.

During which phase does the chromatin condense into chromosomes?

The chromosomes coil up and condense during prophase

What stage does chromatin condense to chromosomes?

During mitosis, chromosomes are in their most condensed form during metaphase

The phase of mitosis in which doubling of the centrioles occurs is?

Centrioles double during the prophase of mitosis. Prophase is also the phase where DNA enters the chromosomes and are replicated.

What is the phase where chromation condenses form to chromosomes?

The cell's chromatin condenses into chromosomes during prophase. In contrast, telophase is where the chromosomes loosen to form chromatins.

What phase does chromosomes first appear to be double?

It is during the prophase in which chromosomes first appear to be duplex structures.Each cell in a person typically has 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Does the cells chromatin condense into chromosomes during prophase?

yes, during prophase

When chromosomes are visible?

Chromosomes are visible during prophase. Chromosomes are only visible in cells during the cell division because the DNA and protein that the chromosomes are made of are spread throughout the nucleus.

Can chromosomes be seen in a cell that is observed in prophase?

Yes. During prophase the chromosomes condense to prepare for cell division.

What is it when chromosomes are first visible?

during prophase

In what phase does chromosomes condense and become visible?

The chromosomes in a cell's nucleus are only visible during the part of the cell cycle known as prophase. Prophase is the stage of mitosis in which chromatin condensation occurs.

How many chromatids are visible at prophase?

It depends on the organisms. In humans there are 46 double chromosome, which are called sister chromatids. There are a total of 92 sister chromatids, which will eventually separate into individual chromosomes during anaphase of mitosis.