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Q: At what stage in meiosis are the chromosomes visible?
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Is duplication of paired chromosomes in the first stage of meiosis?

Yes duplication of chromosomes occurs during the first stage of meiosis or during prophase.

What stage are Chromosomes duplicated?

technically the chromosomes copy during interphase right before metaphase I of meiosis I so during Meiosis I the chromosomes are duplicated and not until metaphase II during meiosis II are the sister chromatids separated.

When choromosomes are visible in the nucleus?

Chromosomes are visible in the cell nucleus during mitosis and meiosis.

When do chromosomes replicate?

Chromosomes replicate in the first stage of mitosis or meiosis-interphase

When is the only time when chromosomes are visible?

You can see a chromosone at all times, however they are most easily visible during mitosis, when the cell is dividing. During this process the chromosomes condense, making them more easily visible.

In which stage do chromosomes independently assort?

Metaphase I during meiosis

What stage of meiosis is when chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during meiosis.

Why does meiosis result 1N cells rather than 2N cells?

During meiosis chromosomes are segregated at Anaphase I stage , this results in reduction in number of chromosomes from 2N to 1N .

At what stage do chromosomes coil up and become visible?


How many chromosomes of coleus having 24 chromosomes are present in each cell at the stage of mitosis or meiosis indicated?

All of them

What is one of the two strands of a chromosomes that become visible during meiosis or mitosis?

daughter strands

During meiosis the chromatids become daughter chromosomes during which stage?

Anaphase 2