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Chromosomes doubles during the S phase of inter-phase, which occurs before Mitosis. During the process of mitoses cell divides into 2 daughter cells from a single parent hence, before mitoses cells must duplicate so that each new cell has a sufficient set of genetic material.

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Chromosomes duplicate during the S phase of interphase, which occurs before Mitosis. This is so that when the parent cell divides, each daughter cell will possess the same amount of chromosomes as the parent cell.

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Q: Why do chromosomes in parent cell duplicate during mitosis?
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During which state of mitosis do chromosomes align along the middle of the parent cell?


Why must a cell chromosome duplicate before mitosis occurs?

Because the daughter cells have to have the same number of chromosomes you began with. When the cells go through mitosis the get split. If you split a cell with 46 chromosomes into two, you would only have 23 each. That's why it needs to replicate beforehand. It will make sure the cells always have 46 chromosomes.

If a cell ordinarily has 8 chromosomes how many will it have during mitosis and how many will its daughter cells have after mitosis?

If the cell has 8 chromosomes, it should have 8 at the very beginning of mitosis. However during the interphase, specifically the S phase, the chromosomes are duplicated which means that for most of the cell cycle, the cell has 16 chromosomes. However after the cells splits, each daughter cells is left with 8 chromosomes, which is identical to the number of chromosomes in the original parent cell. Hope this helps!

If a cell has 12 chromosomes how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after mitosis?

The desired result of mitosis is the division of a parent cell's genome into two daughter cells, therefore a parent cell must make a copy of each chromosome it posseses before mitosis. So, barring any errors, if a parent cell contains 12 chromosomes at the beginning of mitosis, each of the two daughter cells will contain 12 chromosomes at the end of mitosis.

How many chromosomes does each daughter cell contain after mitosis if the parent cell had 52 original chromsomes?

Each daughter cell will have 52 chromosomes. This is because mitosis produces daughter cells which are genetically identical to the parent cell. Therefore they will have the same number of chromosomes.

Related questions

What type of chromosomes separate during mitoses?

Both autosomes and sex chromosomes separate during mitosis./ Somatic chromosomes separate during mitosis with same number as in the parent cell.

What would happen to the number of chromosomes in a cell if mitosis occurred but cytokinesis did not take place?

The chromosomes would still duplicate, but the parent cell wouldn't split into the two daughter cells.

During which state of mitosis do chromosomes align along the middle of the parent cell?


In phases of mitosis how many chromosomes does the parent cell have during prophase at the start of mitosis?

During prophase at the start of mitosis, the parent cell has a diploid number of chromosomes, which consists of a complete set of chromosomes from both parents. This means that if a human cell has 46 chromosomes prior to mitosis, it would have 46 chromosomes during prophase as well.

What would be the number of chromosomes in tr daughter cells if the chromosomes in the original parent cell did not duplicate?

46 (2n : 46), is the number r of chromosomes in tr daughter cells if the chromosomes in the original parent cell did not duplicate

What is mitosis How many new cells are formed and how many chromosomes are in each newly formed cell?

Mitosis is a kind of cell division, where a parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells. Two cells are created during mitosis, but the original cell no longer exists so the total number will go up by one (or, if you're looking at multiple cells, the total number will double). The new cells have the same number of chromosomes as the original cell before it divided.

During mitosis if a parent cell has five chromosomes how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have?

The daughter cell will have five (5). The parent cell replicates its DNA in a stage of mitosis called Interphase before it splits, into two new daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes.

Do chromosomes double in mitosis?

No, chromosomes do not double in mitosis. Instead, the existing chromosomes are replicated during the S phase of the cell cycle, resulting in two identical sister chromatids for each chromosome. During mitosis, these sister chromatids are separated to form two new daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

During which stage of mitosis are complete sets of?

Complete sets of chromosomes are aligned at the metaphase stage of mitosis. At this stage, the chromosomes are lined up along the metaphase plate in the center of the cell, ready to be separated into two daughter cells during anaphase.

What is the chromosome number of the parent cell in mitosis?


How many chromosomes does a parent cell have?

a parent cell is just one cell. during the cell cycle (mitosis) that cell splits in two

Does mitosis daughter cells have the same chromosomes as the parent?
