

Why do cinder cone volcanoes erupt ash and rock?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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they are made out of rock

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Q: Why do cinder cone volcanoes erupt ash and rock?
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What does a cinder cone volcano explode?

Cinder cone volcanoes erupt explosively, but not as violently as composite volcanoes.

What are the kinds of cone volcanoes?

There are three kinds of cone volcanoes shield cones, composite cones, and cinder cones. Shield cones have very fluid lava. They erupt with a quiet lava flow. An example of a shield cone volcano is Mauna Loa. A shield cone is pretty much a little dome that has been flattened. Composite cones have sticky lava and rock bits. They have the most explosive eruptions An example of a composite cone volcano is Vesuvius. Composite cones are steep at the top but gentle at the bottom. Cinder cones have cinders. They have explosive eruptions An example is Paricutin. A cinder cone is very steep.

Cinder cone volcanoes produce quiet eruptions.?

No, they produce very explosive eruptions. They do not erupt much magma, instead exuding chunks of ash and semi-hardened igneous rock.

What materials do cinder cone volcanoes produce?

Cinder cones produce ash and chunks of lava rock called scoria.

What pyrotechnics materials make a cinder cone volcano?

Cinder cone volcanoes are primarily composed of a rock called scoria. This rock filled with bubbles like pumice and is generally of a basaltic composition.

What is the shape of a cinder cone volcano?

cinder cone volcanoes: consist of primarily erupted volcanic ash and rock fragments, or cinders. When the volcano erupts the ash and rock are ejected onto the mountain. As this process continues the volcano "grows" higher because of the debris build up.

What types of rocks do cinder cone volcanoes form?

They form any kind of igneous rock including pumice, obsidian, and others.

Do composite cone volcanoes have mafic lava?

They can. Composite volcanoes vary in what they erupt. Many composite volcanoes are composed of a mixture of mafic, felsic, and intermediate rock. However, in most cases intermediated or felsic rock predominates.

What kind of eruptions do cinder cone volcanoes have?

A explosive eruption, this is because with no side vents and a thin vent, when it has rocks stuck in it's pipe it erupts, and since it has no where else to go (because of no side vents) it causes a explosive eruption, and then blows out it's ash and volcanic fumes.

What is the difference between a cinder cone volcano and a composite cone volcano?

cinder cone volcanoes are much smaller and grow in clusters they also naturally contain no lava composite volcanoes are large and cone shaped but you can rarely find two very close together the lava in composite volcanoes is high in silica and makes it thick and pasty which can clog up vents and cause very violent eruptions HOPE THIS HELPS!!:)

What type of valcano is Mount Saint Helens?

Mt. Saint Helens is a composite volcano. Composite volcanoes are formed by some alternating layers of tephra (rock debris thrown into the air by volcanic eruptions) and lava. Composite volcanoes usually erupt violently and are large and steep-sided.

What are cinder cones are made of?

Cinder Cones are composed of rock fragments and the eruption of cinders. The rock fragments pile up around a single crater forming a Cinder Cone.