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Q: Why do cities have the word san in front of their name?
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Name five of the major cities in California?

Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego Oakland Sacramento

What 5 cities did the Spanish start and name after san?

San Francisco, California San Antonio, Texas San Diego, California San Jose, California San Luis Obispo, California There are many more than just five cities but here are five examples.

Name four Spanish American cities where Spanish is spoken?

Los Ángeles, San Francisco, San Diego and Miami??

Name 5 Spanish towns or cities?

Alameda, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Calrxico, Chula Vista

What does the word San mean when applied to a river name?

"San" is the Spanish word for "Saint" and, as many Spaniards named rivers after Saints, they retain the "San".

What cities in the US have Spanish influence?

There are hundreds of cities in the US named by the Spanish or based on Spanish words/names. Any city with a name that starts with the word San or Santa are named after the Spanish name for saints.

What does the name san mean in Chinese?

The word san means 3/three in Chinese.

Name all the cities in the world?

It is impossible to name all the cities in the world because there are over three thousand cities in the world. Examples of the top cities in the world includes San Miguel de Allende, Budapest, and Florence, just but to mention a few.

Names of some cities with a river in it's name?

san antonio tx, red river nm,

Name 5 cities created by the gold rush?

Reno, Carson City San Francisco Sacremento

Name five cities in California?

Los Angles, Fresno, San Francisco, Shasta, Monterrey, Carmel