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becuz it has caffine and more sugar than the other 2

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Q: Why do coke cubes melt faster than orange juice or gaterade?
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What will ferment faster -apple juice or orange juice?

this is a guess.. orange juice

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orange juise

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What freezes faster milk or orange juice?

Type your answer here... milk freezes faster because it has less sugar than orange juice does.

Why does orange juice evaporate faster then apple juice?

because it has alot of vitamins in it

Does orange juice freeze faster than lemonade Why?

Yes because lemonade has lemon and lemon makes a tart taste usually which will make it freeze slower unlike water which doesnt have any tartness in it so water will freeze faster then lemonade. please give me trust points.

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Does orange juice freeze faster than orange soda?

no water and soda freeze faster:) hope i helped:)

Why do you drink orange juice with ecstasy?

The Acid in Orange Juice goes to your stomach.. And their for The faster the Ecstasy will Reach it Peek faster... You just roll faster when you drink orange juice with the pill►►► Just drink enough to swallow the pill.. and Dont eat or Drink during the role.. ►►►Omes7922◄◄◄

What will make a penny oxidize faster orange juice or lemon juice?

The orange juice must make the penny rust faster because when put a penny in a dish of lemon juice, it makes it shinier... which also works with ketchup.