

Why do coloured objects look coloured?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Why do coloured objects look coloured?
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Why do coloured objects red green blue look coloured when white light is shone on them?

Because the white light shines on it and the white light contains all seven frequencies. However the object only reflects one frequency (which is then the colour it looks) the others it absorbs

Why does objects become dimmer with distance?

As light moves through the air, it slowly diminishes, until it finally disappears. When light bounces of any object, light turns to colour. Objects become dimmer because the further back it moves, the more coloured light diminishes, causing the object to look dimmer in light and colour.

Why do objects become dimmer with distance?

As light moves through the air, it slowly diminishes, until it finally disappears. When light bounces of any object, light turns to colour. Objects become dimmer because the further back it moves, the more coloured light diminishes, causing the object to look dimmer in light and colour.

Why do light coloured objects reflect radiation more than dark coloured objects?

Because dark colours absorbs light, and energy;and its named absortion coefficient. ============================== Some substances and objects made from them reflect more light and absorb less. Other substances and objects made from them reflect less light and absorb more. The ones that reflect more and absorb less are the ones that appear lighter to us. Why ? Because they absorb less light and reflect more of it toward our eyes.

Why does shiny and light coloured objects reflect more light than rough and dark objects?

Well that is sort of the definition of "shiny" and "light"... The outer electrons in theses materials have the ability to send incoming photons back out.

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Are natural coloured objects better heat conductors than artificial coloured objects?

No. Heat conduction has little to do with color.

How do you see different coloured objects?

You see different coloured objects by light. the light hits the object and reflects into your eyes.

Why do things look coloured?

why the things look to be coloured

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you see coloured objects by the light. light makes the color of the object

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What things have weight and can be seen?

Solid or liquid objects, coloured gases.

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Parrots are attuned to bright coloured objects. They are attracted to bright flowers, which often contain sweet nectar which the parrots enjoy, but caged birds also like brightly coloured toys in their cages.

What does a coloured filter do?

change the effect/coloration of the light and objects seen though the lens.

Paints that are used to change the colors of other objects?

That is commonly why coloured paint is used.

What poop look like?

Brown coloured