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Q: Why do comets have tails Why do the tails point away from the sun?
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Why a comets tail always points away from the Sun.?

Does it? 2nd Answer: Of course comets tails point away from the Sun!!! The "tail" is made of varying sizes of ice particles and chunks. The solar wind (a faint outstreaming of solar material) pushes comets' tails out, away from the sun.

Do the tails of comets point toward the moon?

Only by accident. A comet's tail will point away from the sun.

Comets tail always point toward the sun?

No. Comets tails always point away from the sun. I believe the are a result of the heat and solar winds projected out from the sun which strip material off from the comet as it travels through space.

In what direction do coment tails point?

Away from the sun. The radiation blows the 'boil off', as comets are made of dirty snowballs.

What direction does a comets tail always points?

Away from the Sun. The tails is caused by the solar wind.

What force or forces act on a comet?

Nothing fuels a comet. They are just ice balls orbiting the Sun forever (until they run into something). By the way, the tails of comets do not stream out behind them. The tails of comets always point away from the Sun.

Why do the tails of comets always face the sun?

Or "face away," maybe? A comet's tail always points away from the Sun, because it is blown that direction by ions streaming out from the Sun (solar winds). So, whenever a comet is moving away from the Sun, its tail will stream ahead of it.

Which way do comets tail point?

It points away from the Sun

What are the icy objects with huge trials that orbit the sun?

Tails, not trials. They're called comets, and their "tails" form when the comet gets near the sun, vaporizing away some of the ice.

What is small rocks in space left behind from comet tail?

Two things: 1. Comet tails do not follow along behind the comet. Comet tails always point away from the Sun. 2. Comets are not rocky, they are icy.

In what direction does comet tails always point?

Away from the Sun.

Which comet tail always points away from the sun?

All comet tails point away from the Sun.