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Common external threats and shared goals create a sense of unity and interdependence between conflicting groups, encouraging them to set aside their differences and work together to overcome the threat or achieve the shared goals. This cooperation can also build trust and foster understanding between the groups, ultimately leading to more sustainable peace and cooperation in the long term.

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Q: Why do common external threats and shared goals lead to greater cooperation between two conflicting groups?
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The greater the electronegativity difference between two bonded atoms the greater the percentage of?

The greater the electronegativity difference between the two bonded atoms, greater is the ionic character of the bond.

What compound has a greater difference in electronegativities of its members NaCl or KCl?

The greater the difference in electronegativities between the elements in a compound, the stronger the bond will be. In this case, NaCl has a greater difference in electronegativities between sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) compared to KCl, since chlorine is more electronegative than sodium. This makes the ionic bond in NaCl stronger than that in KCl.

Do ionic bonds have a greater or lesser electronegativity difference between them than a covalent bond?

Ionic bonds have a greater electronegativity difference between the atoms involved compared to covalent bonds. In ionic bonds, one atom completely transfers electrons to another atom, resulting in a large difference in electronegativity. Covalent bonds, on the other hand, involve sharing of electrons, resulting in a smaller electronegativity difference between the atoms.

Whose dipole moment is greater- orthonitrophenol or paranitrophenol?

The dipole moment of para-nitrophenol is greater than ortho-nitrophenol. This is because in para-nitrophenol, the nitro group is positioned opposite to the hydroxyl group, leading to a higher dipole moment due to the greater separation between the polar groups.

Can you use electronegativity to determine bonds?

Yes, electronegativity values can be used to determine the type of bond between atoms. If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is very small (less than 0.5), the bond is nonpolar covalent. If the difference is between 0.5 and 1.7, the bond is polar covalent. If the difference is greater than 1.7, the bond is ionic.

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