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Q: Why do cotton balls fly while touching phone?
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Why are cotton balls always flying on me while I pick up my phone?

Sounds like static elec. issue possibly

Can touching moth balls cause rash?

Moth balls should not cause a rash just from touching the outside of it. If you cut on open and handle it for a while, it could cause a rash on sensitive skin.

Why are gauze pads rather than cotton balls considered a better choice for covering the site while holding pressure following venipucture?

You should use gauze for dressing wounds, rather than cotton balls, because gauze doesn't stick to the wound and leave fibers.

Is cotton made from plants?

Some store-bought cotton balls are made 100% from plants, while others are synthetic. Read the fine print on the package label to tell them apart.

Is touching okay while kissing?

When you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are snogging, touching them is OK if they are cool with it.

How do you paint your nails properly?

1. Make sure you have all the supplies ( nail polish, cleaning alcohol, cotton balls) 2. Have your nails at the preferred length. 3. Shake the nail polish bottle (while its closed) and then paint the nails. Paint 2 coats. 4. Wait for your nails to dry. 5. Have fun! * The alcohol and cotton balls were just for in case you mess up and need to start over*

How do you get your dog not afraid of balls?

Let him stay near the balls for a while so he can get used to it!

What is the difference between cotton and leather?

Leather is made from animals while cotton is made from plants

What do you do when your seven year old cleans her earring with nail polish and puts it in her ear?

REMOVE it immediatly, apply alcohol solution with cotton wool all over the outside of the hole, till you cant see any more. Saturate 2 separate cotton balls with solution, place on either side of hole and press together as hard as the host can manage, repeat until cotton balls appear clear of nail varnish. Push a clean earing through the hole, while poking out the other side, clean with solution. The key is to act and work fast.

Changing direction while sailing is?


What would you do if you get kicked in the balls?

The same things I always do. I would just have sore balls while I do them.

Why does your dog put his balls in your mouth while you sleep?

Because he enjoys the feeling of your tongue on his balls.