

Why do cows smell?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Because they are filthy, disgusting man eating monsters.

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Micah Hodgdon

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2y ago
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14y ago

Because their poo smells.

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How do cows find its mate?

Cows will show signs of heat cycle (they will bellow, they will mount or stand for mounting), the bull will smell that she is in heat (often the cow will urinate and the bull will smell the urine-this is referred to as the Phleaman response). They will then breed.

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Gerard Way, lead singer of the band My Chemical Romance, is known to really dislike cows. Reportedly, he dislikes cows because they smell like manure.

How good is a cows sense of smell?

Cattle can probably smell scents as far away as six miles, but most believe it's a mile, not six miles.

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they never bring cows and goats because they smell like cheese

Do cows like the smell of pine?

Some may.But they shouldnt eat it they should avoid it. It can make them sick or hurt them.

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well they look after them like cows look after there calves!

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The smell of fresh grass, and their ability to see in yellows and blues (in the colour spectrum, yellow + blue = green). Mostly cows can tell if the grass is green fresh by using their noses.

Does bull poop smell?

yes i have a farm i have touched there poop smelled there poop + yes it does smell it smells like hell and there buttock hole looks big bigger than cows buttock hole

How do cows locate their food?

They use their noses to smell and their tongues to taste. They also use their eyes to see what other forage is in front of them (and to look out for danger as well.)

Do vampires like cow blood?

Somee vampires do, some vampires dont. It basically depends on there taste. But if you ask me, vampires like any type of blood.

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Nose Which of the following is a run-on sentence? answers: The barn has a funny smell maybe it's coming from the cows.