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they have reflective mirror like tissues at the back of there eye, catches more light. But at night, they usually move by smell, not sight

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Q: Why do coyotes have great vision at night?
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Related questions

Do coyotes have good night vision?

yes, they are primarily out at night.

What features do coyotes have that help them survive in the central valley?

Coyotes have very good night vision and a very good sense of smell.

Do coyotes come out during the day?

Coyotes can see quite well at night.

Do hamsters have good vision?

yes. hamsters have great night vision. because most hamsters are nocternal, because in the wild if hamsters were'nt nocternal they would be eaten by; wolves, cats ,dogs, owls, birds and a lot if your hamster is nocternal it defenatly has great night vision. tip if your hamster runs on the wheel at night and keeps you up were it out during the day so its to tired to play at night.

Need to find a night vision camcorder?

Vivatar makes a really good night vision camera. You can find good prices for Vivatar cameras on amazon.

Why do coyotes call at night?

== == == == The rates are cheaper

Which vitamin causes night vision?

Vitamin A is necessary for night vision.

How do you remove night vision iMac?

iMac's do not come with night vision.

Can coyotes eat a human?

Well coyotes are as you should know mostly night animals so unless a human hunts at night than no, but if the human does go hunt at night he/ she better run fast becase coyotes eat meat and that's what we are.

What does the coyote eat in the Great Sandy Desert?

There are no coyotes in the Great Sandy Desert. The Great Sandy desert is in Australia, and Australia has no coyotes at all.

When night vision first used?

Night vision was first used in WWII

Do you get night vision when you eat to many carrots and your skin turns orange?

Night vision is a rare trait gifted by the supernatural. It does not depend on diet, but the supernatural. It will see the possession of rare qualities possessed by one. As Uncle Ben said, "with great power comes great responsibility". Ones who have the ability to use it for the greater good of the world and its citizens will be rewarded. If you personally want night vision, you will have to do great deeds t earn the respect of the supernatural. Its upto you.